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On February 3,2007, Barry Gilliland, Geoff Seagars and Chris Solomon left Birmingham at 9am to make the 3 hour road trip to Newnan, Georgia (south of Atlanta) to skate at
the Factory skate park. This is a HUGE skate park all housed inside a even larger industrial warehouse. The park has everything (big street course, 3ft micro-mini ramp,
6ft mini-ramp, 13ft vert ramp, 4ft boomerang fun bowl, and more!) for every body (skaters, of course, but also inliners, scooters and the dreaded bike riders).
Barry, Geoff and Chris spent the day skating everything the skate park had to offer...spending most time in the fun bowl. Many others "planned" to go,
but things came up and plans changed. They missed a helluva fun road trip! Many more trips to the Factory will be made! |
Welcome to the Factory
Gettin ready to shred some terror
The FUN bowl
Barry 50-50s around the corner
Geoff whips a perfect backside layback (1.59 Mb vid)
view of the street area
another view of the park
Barry skates the big vert ramp (470 Kb vid)
Solomon feeble grinding
Barry 50-50s over the hip (228 Kb vid)
Barry backside airs the hip (980 Kb vid)
Geoff feebles-to-fakie
Another park view
Little local ripper Lance learns frontside grabs over the hip
Solomon with the last run of the day (833 Kb vid)