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Another break in the weather motivated another road trip to the Montgomery skate park on an unseasonably warm Saturday. Patrick Jackson, Geoff Seagars and myself
(Solomon) made the 1 hour or so trek down to skate. We got there right at opening and stayed till 3:30 skating almost the whole time (a few breaks here and there
to let some aches and pains diminish with bullshit sessions, smokes and beverages...haha). Patrick was at home on the ramp after getting a few sessions there under
his belt. Seagars was getting his "skate legs" back after having the past weeks/months of downtime. Seagars came around soon enough though and was pulling
out a lot from his bag of tricks....reaching down deep to pull out some uncommon ones as well! We all pretty much stayed on the mini-ramp most of the day. Towards the
end, it was if the groms had began to multiply and take over the ramp. They were everywhere!...and dropping in on each other, riding across flat while people were doing
runs and all the typical groms being cluelss groms behaviors. By then though, we were ready to go. The plan was to hit Alabaster at the end of the day on the way home just
like last time, but after the day at Montgomery (and on top of being sick with a chest cold), I was too beat to skate anymore. I did make a quick stop by Vets park to
find Mark Eddings and Tim Spinosi winding down their all day session and Phil Hosey and Barry Gilliland just showing up to check out the park too. I didn't stay around
too long...I was about to fall out as it was....just did get home and collapsed on my couch for a two hour power nap. What a fun day! |
Calm before the storm
That'd be Patrick Jackons doing a nose stall to fakie, boys and girls
Seagars catching some grindage
PJ lipsliding along
Seagars muscles around a backside layback grind
Patrick gettin some metal-on-metal action
Seagars feebles-to-fakie
PJ commits a backside boneless-to-fakie (1.01 Mb WMV video)