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After weeks of skating ramps all over the place, it was time for the crew (Birdwell, Salillas, and Solomon) to start skating the bowl again. We planned on skating
Saturday and had such a blast, that we came back Sunday and skated as well. |
Saturday |
Birdwell wastes no time finding a frontside grind
Jay Salillas grinding in the deep
Jay toys with a Kiwi
Scott Lawley hucks a little backside air
Tim Spinosi gets up in the big end
Mark Eddings teaching young whipper snappers how to skate the bowl
Eddings grinding
Tim Spinosi waves hello on a fly by
Eddings graceful slide
Jay grinding
old men need a break
Birdwell is back!!! Lien air like old times
Eddings pads up for a frontside air
Sunday |
Nice smith in the deep by Chris Upton
Upton pulls his first frontside 50-50 in the deep
Thomas the Train McTeer gets up in the deep end
Thomas McTeer...big man in the big end
alec Spinosi popping a backside ollie over the hip