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Due to the great fun had on the trip the week before, a much bigger road trip was organized for the Saturday of February 10,2007. It was freezing cold at home, so what
better excuse for another trip. The day started off great. Everyone stuck to the schedule, and we all got to the skate park right on time. The caravan consisted of
Butch and Austin White, Geoff Seagars, Patrick Jackson, Chris Solomon, Jay Salillias, Warren Ward (owned Underground back in the day), Rob Tidwell (met us there since he lives there),
Alex and Jason Salillias (it was Alex's 13th b'day too!), Alec Spinosis, and about 3 more of Alex's friends for his birthday. So all in all, we had around 15 folks that made
it out just to have some fun skating and hanging out together. For many, it was their first time to the park, and they loved it. Dean (the owner of the Factory) was kind enough to
hook us up on a group price of $10/3hr (it is usually $6/hr). That was really cool of him and most appreciated! Well, we set off to skating and having a big time. About an hour in,
though, things took a mean turn. Patrick was zipping around the bowl as usual. He was doing a backside 50-50 at mach speed coming to the hip to come down. Somehow, he hung up or
got pitched, but the end result was that he went straight down 5ft or so to his head. At first, we all gasped because we knew it was going to be a bad slam. But then the gasp
became a bigger gasp as we saw Patrick go limp like a ragdoll and roll down the transition in a pile....then the blood came. We ran around getting help to him. He was knocked out a
good 10 seconds or so...even snoring. His head had a deep cut above his eye. The paramedics came, checked him out, and soon Patrick left with Warren and Seagars to go get some
stitches and checked out more. We all took a "beverage" break after that to let the bad vibes get outta that bowl. Soon we were back to it. Another "old man group" showed up.
Turns out, one of them was a guy named Mike that I use to skate with in Columbus back in my college days at Auburn. Small world! It was great to see and skate with him again. He
brought a ripper from Ocala, FL and another guy from Columbus. Once again, we had a big group having fun on the bowl. Mike was showing Austin a frigid plant off the wall. He was
really just playing around. Bailed it 2 or 3 times. He tried again and bailed but as he ran out, he put his foot back down on the board. Again, we all gasped. But this didn't look
too bad. Then Mike just collapses holding his ankle. He had broke it. Geeez! The bowl was showing no mercy that day! She wanted some sacrifices! What's more odd...I had just shown
Patrick and Seagars an old Albany contest video that morning which had lots of old friends in it. I pointed out Mike in the video and then he shows up that day to skate with us. Too
weird. Soooo...another man down, another time to take a break. With two out for the day, everyone definately seemed to tone down some. We got back to skating, but mostly folks stayed
on the mini or micro mini ramps. One of the locals, Blake, skated with us once he got off work from working at the park. He is an insane ripper! Great to watch skate. Not long after
Blake joined us, Patrick, Geoff and Warren showed back up. Patrick was the proud owner of 10 stitches. He also had a nasty lump right under the cut where he must have had the
actual impact. His nose took a good cut too. His modeling career is most likely over. (haha) We continued to skate for another 45 minutes or so, but around 5:30, we headed out just
as planned. Good trip home exchanging impressions of the day, but I wish we wouldn't have had some of those stories to begin with. All in all, I think it was a good road trip,
and we all know that injuries come with skateboarding...just part of it. Patrick should be good to go again in 2-3 weeks. Time to plan another road trip then! |
Group photo (Tidwell, Warren, Butch, Solomon, Jay, Patrick, Geoff, Austin in front)
The Paramedics help Patrick (note the wet spot where they mopped Patrick's blood)
Patrick vs. the fun bowl
Another shot of the other side
Patrick models his damage
Jay's run in the bowl (3.28 MB vid)
Tidwell's smith grindage in the bowl
Austin wall plants to banana peel (1.13 Mb vid)
Mike hobbles to the car
Mike's ankle
Another view of Mike's ankle
Alex (middle) with his friends for his birthday
Spencer and Caesar
Alex ripping around the bowl like his dad, Jay (1.96 Mb vid)
Tidwell reverting around the micro-mini
Austin floats high on the micro-mini
Tidwell playing around on the micro-mini ( vid)
Austin attempts another frontside flip
Patrick, Seagars and Tidwell...dishes are done, dude
One more group photo before heading home
Pics from Jay Salillias |
Solomon axle stallin'
Tidwell in a Disaster
Butch backside pivot grind
Solomon attempts a pivot-to-fakie...
...and bails
Austin cruisin'
Solomon frontside rock-n-roll
Seagars backside layback grind
Solomon in a sweeeeeet styled-out tail stall
Tidwell with a Sudden/Certain Death