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Saturday, the gang all met for lunch.....Salillas, Birdwell, Jackson, and Solomon. The plan was to head to Vestavia after lunch, skate a bit, then go to Randy's 7/11 ramp. Plans changed a bit along the way.
After lunch at Pinches Tacos (awesome!), we went to Vestavia. It was 1:30, and they didn't open till 2 ...on a Saturday?!? So, we changed plans and headed to a
nearby local ramp we heard about....Joe's ramp. It was an "interesting" ramp to say the least. |
Joe's Ramp |
Little ramp...janky coping...banked extension with broomstick coping...sketchy platforms....wayyyy weird but fun to play on and kill time. We killed a good hour there.
As always though, playing around on these little ramps is how you get hurt the worst! No injuries this go around, but there's always next time. |
lunch at Pinches Tacos
the house...Joe's?
first runs at Joe's
cool pic of PJ
Birdwell butt shot by Jay
PJ working coping
the Brew Crew has been here
Vestavia's Santuary skate park |
Back to the old standby....Vestavia. After skating Joe's, this thing felt like a vert ramp for the first several runs. haha We skated till around 5pm and were all worn out. |
PJ getting his skate legs back
Birdwell pops to disaster
Salillas stand up grind
Jay midway through a back 5-0 to fakie
Jay ollie to tail slider
PJ frontside ollies
PJ getting close to a smith?
PJ in the air again
Birdwell floating a frontside ollie
PJ grinding