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In 1991, Fred Olande, John Montesi and Neal Hendrix, all New Deal pro riders, passed through Birmingham on a demo tour. They actually stayed in town
a few days. They did a demo at Rampage skatepark, partied with us that night and then skated Linn Park the next day before heading off to the next stop.
They all ripped of course but what was odd/funny at the time, Neal Hendrix, most known for vert skating, refused to skate our vert ramp at the skate park
because he said he didn't like skating steel ramps (scared? haha). Montesi ripped and made new friends. I (Solomon) made friends with Fred Olande and kept in touch
afterwards (he even wrote a bit for Trindee skate zine). |
Montesi poses in a REN shirt (Ted Newsome's company)
Montesi pops a big boned out ollie grab on the mini-ramp
Hendrix floats an ollie across the mini-ramp
Montesi ollies from mini-ramp platform over the fence
Fred Olande flips at Linn Park
Fred Olande nose slides the Linn Park ledge