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Another trip to skate the 7/11 ramp. After seeing photos from our last session and hearing about it, a LOT more people wanted to come this time. We tried
to keep it low key until we get more familiar with it, and get to know Randy better. The session was great! Fun had by all. We started the trip with a lunch stop
by the taco truck. We had wanted to try it soooo bad last time after discovering they had one out here. With full bellies, it was on to the ramp.
Just like we learned on our last trip, however, you can't take this ramp for granted. It takes some getting use too. One of those making their virgin runs,
Upton had to adjust. Once everyone got a few runs under their belts and worked out were the trouble spots are, the session heated up and ripping began! |
Lunch at the taco truck! |
Taco truck!
waiting on the meal
$6 torta and $2 taco....AWESOME!
Session time! |
Alec Spinosi ollies
Jason Salillas nose stall frontside revert...HARD!
Jason Salillas crail sliding
Jason slides another with style!
Peter frontside 50-50
Jason popping a cab
Brian keeps on truckin
Peter Karvonen floating
Andy Birdwell grinding up the coping
Janky with a capital J!!!! Decks need to be FINISHED.
Jay Salillas...easy mode
ramp damage...wondered what that soft spot on the extension was...HOLE!!!
Break time...Upton, Birdwell and Salillas
REAL coping...beefy and grinded!
Upton grinding
Chris Upton pops a big ollie disaster
Jason tucks his pants into his socks for style points on this grind
Jason Salillas and his silly socks with a silly smith grind in front of some silly old guys
Alec Spinosi does a real K-grind and comes out regular (ie. NOT the easy fakie way)
Andy Birdwell makes the call for us all....last run