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Wednesday 04/16/08 |
Wednesday night at Brook Run means only one thing...come out to skate with the big dogs! Being the week of the Spring Jam, I imagine there will be some great sessions as
the week goes on...people getting into town, locals coming out to check it out, etc. The turnout this wednesday was fairly typical with the exception of Malachai putting
in some concrete time, Lee coming out from hiding, and Brooke Crawford getting some more time in on the bowl. Even Roobs was finally back in the bowl a little bit after still working through a
hip flexer injury (still taking it slow which is smart). I heard that last Wednesday was packed with people, but I was down for the count with allergies and missed it (pollen
count was around 2800 where over 150 is considered "very high"). Oh well...I sure had fun tonight! Lots of great skating all around....wish I had gotten more
pics of Jimmy, Ray, Steve-O, Malachai, Roobs, and the others, but I was actually busy skating almost the whole time! haha |
Lee makes a rare appearance to do some frontside airs
Alf pulls an under coping backside Indy
Shawn "Charles" Coffman goes big frontside
Brooke Crawford puts a hurt on coping
Steve-O takes the scenic route over the hip
Woody Trend hucks up a backfoot flapping frontside air
Brooke gets in on the frontside air show
Shawn gets high frontside once more
Woody works on handplants up the wall
Lee blazes by with his noise maker (like the blur of this shot!)
Jimmy O'Brien plays "Look Ma, no hands!" backside
Shawn floats his highest air of the night near closing time
Lee gets in one more grind over the Deathbox
Friday 04/18/08 |
Friday was truly the pre-Spring Jam day. We all had heard that it was possible that many folks would be getting in town today for the big weekend, and of course, the
thinking was that there would be a huge session tonight. I had friends even come up to stay with me...Tidwell came over after work from Newnan while Mark Eddings came
over to stay from Birmingham. We all met up around 3:30 or so at Woody's Halfpipe. Mark and Rob had never been. Boy, were they in for a treat! Woody's Halfpipe is the
store that all other skate shops can only dream to be! John has set it up right! When we got there, everyone's favorite, Woody Trend, was working the store. Watching him
and Tidwell trade barbs was hillarious! Aside from that fun, we just hung out in true skate shop fashion. Mark was blown away and just walked around and around checking
it all out. We had planned to go hit Pickneyville just for shits and giggles, but John called. He asked if Mark would be interested in running cones with legendary Dogtown
and Z-Boy skater, Wentzle Ruml III, to test out the slalom course a bit. At 48 years old, Mark grew up skating during the 70's, and was one of the best in the southeast in slalom.
When I asked Mark about riding with Wentzle, he was like a little kid !!! He lit right up and looked like he was in shock. "Uh....uh...
uh....sure....I mean....what else am I going to say to that?!?!" was his reply. So we waited around till John and Wentzle got to the shop. Wentzle was tuning up his
gear, so we had a good bit of time. We decided to go hit some dinner at Dominck's in old Norcross. It was AWESOME!One of the best Italian restaurants I have been too...but a BIG mistake. We were sooo full of food by the time
we got to Brook Run around 6:30 or so. Tidwell didn't even attempt to skate. Mark and I tried but it felt like I was skating with a backpack full of rocks. We got there in
time to watch a little slalom practice. In his day, Mark Eddings was the southeastern champion in slalom. Mark gave it a few tries, but it had been ages for him not to mention
the fact that he was stuffed with Italian food. Soon it was dark out, and everyone moved to skate the park. As I said, we all expected a big pre-Jam turnout and night
session, but it wasn't looking like it was happening. Besides Tidwell, Eddings and I, there were only about 6-7 other skaters there. Zach, Arte and family showed up, but
that was about it. We were all a little disappointed, but somewhat relieved as well...again...too much food! Since Eddings had never been there till now, we stayed just to
let him feel out the park. He worked around the bowl a bit, but spent most of his time working on the run in the flow bowl for Sunday's banked slalom contest. Around 9 PM, we
finally had enough, packed up, said good-byes and headed out. We would save up for tommorow's big day as the "Woody's Halfpipe first annual Lemonade Days Brook Run
Crank N' Bank Spring Jam" was set to begin! |
A visit to the Holy Land....Eddings visits Woody's Halfpipe
Tidwell checking out the Woody's shop
Woody's Halfpipe is what other skate shops dream of being!
Checking out some slalom practice
Legendary Dogtowner, Wentzle Ruml III, getting in some practice
Wentzle chopping some wood as they say
Wentzle at the bottom of the course in a flash
This is slalom skating...PURE SPEED!
What year is this ? 1978 ?!?!
Wentzle gets in some last runs at dark
Brook Run as the sun goes down
Two old men...John and Mark
Proud papa Zach getting some time with Cameron
Pretty thin friday crew for a session
Birmingham's Mark "Shreddings" Eddings feels out the bowl...literally
One big happy skater family
Zachary Reed floats a nice ollie grab over the flow bowl hip
Arte Jones crails a frontside grind
Eddings works out his banked slalom run for Sunday
The big (haha) friday session comes to a close