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Wednesday August 22, 2007 - Old School Session night |
Another Wednesday night in Hot-lanta! The usual suspects were out to skate. Still recovering from injury, I took Tuesday off, but gave it a go tonight...couldn't resist. I think I did ok
overall, but every once in a while, I would get sore or feel the pain again. I would just stop and take pictures (as you see...haha). The session got going faster it seemed.
John (owner of Woody's Halfpipe and manages the park) was finally given the keys to the lights so he could turn them on sooner now. Not long after he lit them up, a full-on
session was in effect! There was a pretty big line up around the bowl and a snake session got underway right off. Lots of ripping as usual. A few new faces in the crowd.
The park was cashing in on some tabs, I think, and it wanted to be paid in blood and bruises. Load took some rough falls early. Ray Fennessey tweaked his neck/back somehow
and was having problems the rest of the night with it. Martin slammed in the flow bowl early on and had gone home without a word. To leave on a positive note though, lots of
folks were stepping it up and pulling new tricks...litte Chris Coffman was pulling ollie-to-tails (tailslides too) in the shallow and close in the deep...a new face in the line-up,
Lee, was getting grinds over the deathbox...and most notable of the night, Ron pulled big frontside airs! Another fun night at Brook Run. |
Session gets underway
Snakes lined up and striking
View of the lopsided bowl
Pete ripping
Fred Reeves styles an ollie over the hip
Big line-up and lots of history (L-R:Greg, Ron, Wes, Alf, Shawn, Pete, Jimmy, Load behind Ray, Ray, Roobs)
Alf at mach speed
Ray Fennessey floats an ollie over the hip
Lee takes his grinds over the deathbox
Ron caught by surprise on a frontside air gone wrong
Big frontside air by Jimmy O'Brien
Shawn Coffman laying down a rail on a backside smith
Jimmy floating on air
Ron nails his frontside airs (I think he did 3 for the night)
Big air by Jimmy
Jimmy O'Brien stand-up grind over the deathbox
Chris Coffman gets in the last runs
Jimmy ends the night