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Tuesday Oct 16, 2007 - session night |
It had been 3 weeks since I was back in Atlanta (working at home and trip to Vegas). Seems that things did not slow down in my absence. In fact, this tuesday was
busier than any I had been to before! Great session with good folks. I thought it would take me a long while to get use to the bowl again, but surprisingly, I was
back to doing everything like I had never left. I was pretty stoked on that...not to mention just being able to skate that great bowl again and skating with friends! |
session line-up
Jeff/Red grinding frontside in the shallow
Ryan nose-stalling on the tiny Z-Flex in the shallow
Alf hitting a deep end grind
Who's next?
Ryan nose-stalls again for good measure
Raymondo backside double-trucker on his longboard
Tim Humphries grinds over the hip
Zack backside air over the deathbox
Jeff zips by the crowd
Another one from Zack
Vance starts trying layback frontside rock n' roll sliders
Zack frontside pivot stall
Wednesday Oct 17, 2007 - Old School Session night |
I had forgotten how burly Wednesday nights can get. You better come ready to skate! No playing around in this session. The usual crew was out again...Zack, Shawn and
Chris Coffman, Load (sporting a new cast for his broken wrist that I saw him receive the last session I was at), Jimmy O'Brien, Roobs, Wes, Alf (who hadn't been in a while),
and Sushi. Also making an appearance was Thomas Taylor and Jerimiah (sp?). It was a pretty amped
session overall. Folks were trying new tricks and lines all over the place. However, Roobs paid the price this night. First, coming out of a simple backside double-trucker
in the shallow, he was somehow leaned too far forward and fell straight down in a pile...no hands out....pancaked onto his hip, shoulder and worse, the side of his head. He shook that
off after a bit and then took another run. In that one, he did a backside 50-50 over the deathbox, came back towards the hip, bailed a sweeper and jumped out towards the
waterfall. Somehow, he got twisted though and again slammed to the same side and smacked his head AGAIN almost in the same spot. After that, it was break time for that whole
crew. Roobs never did come back to the session....and I don't blame him! Ouch! Overall, though, another great night at Brook Run. |
Chris Coffman liens out to tail
I know his daddy didn't teach him those stinkbug frontsides! haha Little Coffman airing
The boys in blue...Tony, Raymondo and Ryan working the park
Chris Coffman moments before an ollie tailslide
Thomas Taylor grinds over the deathbox
Jimmy O'Brien frontside airing
Textbook edger! It doesn't get any sweeter than this!
Thomas stand-up grinding over the deathbox
A very laid back Jimmy O'Brien
Thomas gets in some last grinds before closing