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Another Wednesday at Brook Run. I got out there earlier than usual only to find that everyone else was already there too. In fact, the usual crew had been
there since about 2pm! Lenny Byrd was in town so they all came out to skate with him. Damn! Wish I would have known. By this time, Lenny was gone, and some
of the other guys were done or near done. For me, I just wasn't feeling it today. The pollen was INSANE out, and my allergies were going ape shit. It's kinda of
hard to skate with watery, itchy eyes. Enough excuses though! I did ride a little, but decided to take some photos while the sun was out still. As the session wound down,
I did pad up and skate, but by then, I was the only one skating the bowl and that got old fast....especially, again, with allergies going nuts. I ended up leaving even before 9pm.
There's always next week! haha |
Woody Trend slidin and rockin and rollin and stuff
Woody rocks a little to fakie in the deep end
Russ gets airborn
Jimmy rides a long slide n' roll around the wall
Woody gets some air foot flappin and all
Shawn bones a big frontside air
A little fan appreciation from Woody (look close, folks!)
Shawn performs for the crowd