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Saturday |
It was suppose to be the big day of the Halloween session/bash and end of the "Sk8oberfest" events, but Alabaster had shut it all down before it could begin. Boo! (no pun intended)
However, they couldn't stop us from another good ol' Saturday session. The weather was perfect! The usual suspects....Spinosi and Eddings....made it out, but we were also
graced by with the presense Kerry Johnson who apparently had ended his long hiatus to come skate again. Stoked! With such a great day for skating, we were not satisfied
with a mere bowl session. Before the day was over, the whole crew moved over to the Train Station ditch. Kerry and Mark had never been, and both were like little kids in a
candy store there. I think Eddings loved it the most. He was skating it like he time warped back to the 1970's again! Slides everywhere and funky lines and runs down the whole
ditch....he was in his zone. Kerry took right to it as well and had the lines figured out faster than most. Spinosi seemed like he was quite familiar and comfortable with the
ditch now. He has his lines down and was coming interestingly close to some grinds and rock n' rolls. Close to dusk, we were pretty beat. It was time to go. But we also had
an interesting visit that made us truly feel like 13 year old skateboard hooligans again. Yes, the police showed up. Seems the neighbors called worried over "strange"
cars parked on the road. The neighbors particularly hate anyone outsiders coming to fish their lakes. Good thing we were only skating! haha The cop was very cool with us. He
hung out a while just shooting the shit with us. He said he could care less if we wanted to skate some drainage ditch (he actually didn't even know it was there! haha), but he
had to respond to the call nonetheless. Another cop showed up too. Man, we are such outlaws! haha They told us to have fun, and we all headed off. |
That's Kerry Johnson back in the bowl!!!!
Kerry gets reacquainted wtih coping
Eddings shows his battle wounds from last weekend's slam
Parking lot session
Scotty getting his grinds down
PACKED parking lot! Cool!
Scott noseslides his way down the 8
Kerry looks on as Eddings grinds
Gut check....literally!
Eddings grinding
Eddings gets back on the horse (the trick he slammed on last week)
Eddings frontside airs
Spinosi pushing close to coping
Solomon clicking out
Solomon and Eddings
Spinosi gets caught in the shallows
Eddings entertains the kids
Bowl lineup
Eddings on coping again
Solomon in bottom of bowl as usual
Kerry gets grindy at the Train Station
Spinosi working the ditch
Eddings on the wall
Kerry stands up a grind
Eddings slides backside
Eddings follows with frontside layback slide
Kerry rocks and rolls
Mark Eddings circa 1978...or 2008?
Sunday |
Sunday was yet another beautiful day and no less fun that Saturday's day of skating. Once again, it all started at the Alabaster park. It seemed like the day for out of town visitors.
First up....Tom Ball....from Gulf Shores...one of the ESB guys (Tater, Rob, Cridge, Bill Bradley, etc). Early on, there was a young guy from Ohio and his family. The session
started kind of slow. Not many people out....not near as many as yesterday when the parking lot was overflowed. But that changed. By day's end, the park was packed again.
Later in the day, we had another visitor....Brad from down near Sarasota, Florida. He skated the bowl a bit sketchy but had some nice tricks...monorails, backside disasters, etc....
and that crazy kid did a boneless into the waterfall!(*see video) Along with our guests, we had a lot of the local guys and a lot more kids are taking to the bowl. Cool! I
was really diggin hearing "hey Solomon....let me show you what I learned" over and over again. Maybe the next generation is getting going now. haha Personally, I had
a great day skating! After skating sporatically all summer and just getting back to regular weekend skating, today I finally got all my tricks back and more...time to start
working on new stuff again! Anyways, after Tim Spinosi, Tom and I skated the bowl for a long time, we decided to hit the Train Station ditch agian. Why not. It gave Tom yet another
spot to skate on his trip too. We headed out and met Patrick Jackson out there. It was a fun time, and we skated again until dark (which is early now since last night's time change).
But hey...no cops called on us this time! |
visiting Gulf Shores skater Tom Ball
Tom Ball learning his way around the bowl
Tim Spinosi tickles tile in the shallows
Tom with a nice chunky backside grind
Tom hits coping in the shallow
Another new bowl rider....22yr old Chris
Chris learning to carve for first time
Steven learns fakie to frontside axle stall
Scott ollie grabs over the hip
Patrick backside ollie to 50-50 on cross tie
Tom learning the lines
Tom starting from the top
Solomon no-comply to tailslide
Tom hits the front wall
Another no-comply from Solomon
Tom gets in one last ride
Videos |
Various videos from Saturday and Sunday skating |
Tim Spinosi working the ditch (1.86Mb WMV video)
Kerry Johnson grinding (1.37Mb WMV video)
Brad from Florida....boneless into bowl! (1.10 Mb WMV video)
Ditchmaster Patrick Jackson giving lessons (4.87 Mb WMV video)
Solomon no-comply to tail (1.19 Mb WMV video)
Patrick ollies to tail and then some (1.08 Mb WMV video)