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On Saturday Sept. 23rd 2006, Local Motive held an event at Veterans Skate Park which featured 6 bands
playing throughout the day right next to the bowl. The first band kicked off around 1:30 pm. They were pretty much
your typical high school garage band....lots of random noise. (haha) They put their all into it though
and served to get things going. They even got the police called to the park due to noise complaints from neighbors as well
as the teams playing baseball at the park itself. Hey, what's a rock show at a skatepark if the police don't get called! (haha) Around 3:30 pm,
Sunday Girl played and into their second song, the rain came and came down hard. The band played on until the rain just
got to be too much. Now, that's some dedication! The storm passed and the show continued. The bowl and park were quickly dried and that was the last
of the rain for the day (luckily!). After Sunday Girl, some hardcore band played (name?) which reminded me of about
all of the local shows I had gone too in my younger years. After them, a band named Telic played. They were much tighter
and much different than the previous bands. They also drew an older crowd. They played until about 6:30 pm. At that point, it was getting dark, so I packed up
for the day and headed out as the fifth band, Severed Cell, was about to begin. They seemed a favorite among the kids
that had shown up. I am not sure who played last, but I called the park later and found out the show was just ending around 9 pm. Great job
by Brian Kelly and Local Motive for putting the event on and drawing more people to the park. I hope it is not the last time they do something like that. |
Arriving at the park
A little leftover water from earlier rain
Grillmeister Kelly cranks up the dogs
the early crowd on the street area
the first band begins
Stefan throws a nice Slob Air over the hip
Close-up of Stefan's Slob Air
Grillmeister Kelly breaks out the big sausage
Mobile skater ollie's into the waterfall
(875kb VIDEO)
the rain comes down on Sunday Girl
the rain REALLY starts to pour
Drying the bowl begins
Stefan leads the bucket brigade
Dry bowl! Dry!
the band plays on...Sunday Girl continues
Telic takes the stage bowl-side
Kerry Johnson frontside airs at dusk
(photo by David Campbell)
Veterans Park Report - Local Motive 6 Bands and Skateboarding (09/23/2006) |
This past Saturday was a blast at the park! Brian Kelly and Local Motive had 6 bands playing at the park bowl-side all day! I got there around 1 pm just in time to watch the bowl dry up and get some skating in. I thought lots of the other OS folks would be there, but no one really showed till later in the day. Early on, it was Stefan and Elliot (young guns), Tim Spinosi and then the guy from Blount County (forget his name but he has a lot of ramps at this home) and a few random kids skating with me in the bowl. The first band was your typical high school garage band. God bless em....they tried. But it was just a lot of noise and tone-deaf vocals. They played so loud in fact that you could not talk t oone another at the bowl without leaning in and screaming in each other's ear. The police were even called out to ask Brian to lower the volume. Seems the neighbors didn't like it....nor did all the baseball teams and parents trying to have games right next to us. hahahaha The second band, Sunday Girl, was pretty good. It was fun skating while they played. It was just sooo cool coming up frontside in the bowl and staring right at the band playing there. About 3:45 as Sunday Girl was on their 2nd or 3rd song, the sky openned up and rain poured down. The band actually kept playing for a while until the rain got too hard. About the time the rain started, Kerry Johnson showed up. The rain soon passed and that's when we all set off to drying the bowl/park as fast as possible. The bowl was about a foot deep in water. Seems the pump no longer works. Luckliy, Stefan used his cooler to bail the water as we all helped squeegy and towel dry. Stefan took the drain cover off and had to bail from it. The thing was full!!! One kid put the squeegy handle (broomstick) down in the drain hole and it went half way down without hitting anything! No wonder that part of the bowl is sinking/erroding! Anyways...we got the bowl bailed and started skating again fairly quickly. From there out, we had a great session going until dark. Lucklily no more rain came. Lots of great skating going on. One group of guys came up from Mobile....one of them owns a new skateshop there and brought his team guys up to the park. They were all pretty good. One guy was ollieing into the bowl and landing on the waterfall to ride out (see the video!). As the crowd began to grow (ie. more kids showing up for the later bands), it was kinda surreal. Like Kerry pointed out, it was kinda of weird skating becuase there were like 6 of us skating the bowl and about 75 kids and others just watching (non-skaters that came for the bands). At times, I did get a little irritated with the crowd....you had kids just f'ing around the park that were getting in the way, disrespecting the park (ie. trash everywhere) and generally just being dumb kids.....but I had to remember...I was young once. haha Anyways....thanks again to Brian for pulling that all together and I hope it made some money and showed the city that their are good reasons to help support the park! |