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Tuesday August 14, 2007 |
Another hot week in Atlanta....when will this heat end!?!? Another laid back Tuesday at the park too. A couple of surprises this week though....Danny from Birmingham
showed up to the park with his girlfriend, and after settling in, he ripped the park just like at home. Way to represent Danny! You know he was doing well when Tim
"the Heckler" Humphries is even cheering him on! (haha) Also, Team Ping bro, Rob Tidwell, showed up to skate. In fact, he was already there when I got there, and
he spent a lot of time working the flow bowl, hitting the street course and even got in the bowl a bit before he packed up around 8pm and had to go. Good to skate with
him again! Got to meet and skate with Nick ("ROTW") from ATLSkater.com. Lastly, Tim Humphries showed up and didn't forget anything this time, so he
didn't have to drive all the way back home before skating (he left hit deck last week!haha
Also in attendance for this session, Ron was ripping it up....Jeff ("RedMenace") was working on grinds in the bowl...Steve-O showed again...Vance was back...and another
guy named Todd that I had never met/seen before made the session. There were also about 2-3 other older guys I didn't meet. The park was fairly empty overall, so it was a great
chance to get runs in the bowl or flow bowl whenever you wanted.
For myself, I had such high hopes for this night too. I had been looking forward to skating here since last week when
I left! So of course, I had to go an injure myself. Right before the lights came on and as the bowl was dark and furthermore, as Ron had just said "I won't skate
till the lights come on....it's too risky to get hurt just playing around", sure enough, I was just riding the bowl, carving around and went up to do a styled out, surf-like
frontide turn in the deep, the board came around and somehow slid and overturned coming back down. The next thing I know, I was on my shoulder as my legs twisted in opposite directions.
It didn't hurt much....but then I was walking out of the bowl and was like "hmmmm....that feels funny". I had pulled my groin muscle pretty bad on my left side. Dammit! I
tried to skate a bit more, but the pain was getting worse. I finally called it a not and just hobbled around taking pictures. It was hard to watch everyone too because it was
such a good night...everyone was ripping! Guess I gotta take it easy for a bit and heal up. |
Danny hauls ass around the wall in a 50-50
Jeff works on his frontside grinds in the 7ft shallow
Ron tweaks his layback airs
Danny pops a nice frontside air
Crazy Hawaiian Ryan tries to air the gap
Danny uses his tongue to frontside grind
Danny grinds over the deathbox and then some
Another view of Danny over the deathbox
Ron grinds a frontside double-trucker on the oververt pocket!
Ron hitting grinds in the pocket again
Wednesday August 15, 2007 - Old Man Session night |
I was on injured reserves tonight...still suffering from the groin pull the night before. In fact, I could barely walk most of the morning, and it only got tolerable as
I loosened up through the day. I knew right off that I was not skating at all, but I figured I would go and take some pictures. I was trying out some new settings with my
camera. It was a usual, busy Old School session...lots of people and lots of ripping! I was taking some great pics and was sooo excited to post them up....and then....my
camera crapped out. It reported that my SD(memory) card was corrupted. All pictures lost. NOoooooooo!!!!!! I was soooo pissed (when you see the last shot I got, you will
understand...haha). I just left without really telling many folks good-bye. Thankfully, I am a bit of a computer nerd....ok....more than a bit. So I spent Friday recovering
my corrupt files and fixing them. I won't bore you with all that. Just enjoy some of these KILLER shots that I rescued!!! Hopefully, I will be back to skating soon. |
The Coffman Family Rippers
Ray 50-50s over the tombstone
Chris Coffman frontside disaster against a beautiful sky (not retouched!)
The Old School session gets underway
INVERTED Ray Finnessey
Ghost of Load (just like the motion blur effect)
Shawn Coffman long 5-0 over the deathbox
Huge backside air by Shawn Coffman
Jimmy O'Brien coming back in
Jimmy O'Brien frontside 5-0 over the box
Big backside air by Jimmy O'Brien
Motion blurred layback by Jimmy O'Brien (just love this shot!)
Shawn Coffman Airlines
Chris Coffman airs in front of his uncle
Chris follows with a Lien-to-Tail
Jimmy O'Brien flying high
Chris Coffman backside 50-50
Hawaiian Ryan zips around on an old Z-Flex deck
Greg Bloodsworth making some noise backside
Ray standup grinding in the deep
Wes works onto coping finally! (tried all night)
Greg Bloodsworth grindage as the crowd looks on
Alf whips around the bowl as a straggler runs out
Last shot of the night...perfect Andrect by Ray
Close-up on Ray in an Andrect